Letter from a defendant's attorney
Letter from a real estate
Letter from a trustee/developer
Letter from a plaintiff's attorney
Letter from a defendant's attorney
Expert Evaluation Form from a plaintiff's
Letter from a
plaintiff's attorney
Letter from a plaintiff's attorney
Letter from the National Association of
from a plaintiff's attorney (commission dispute)
Plus these Real Quotes from
Real Attorneys & Clients
"You're very good." (After
I answered the attorney's questions before they were asked.)
"I highly recommended you to him."
(From an insurance defense attorney in
Fort Lauderdale re: her referral of me to an attorney in
"You're the only one the jury believed."
(Bittersweet retaining attorney.)
"He gave me everything I wanted."
(By retaining attorney after using my
questions to depose Broker/defendant.)
"You look so wise...so wise."
(By retaining
attorney, just before trial, where we prevailed.)
"I appreciate your
expertise and hard work in this case...."
(By retaining attorney, shortly after settlement.)
Larry, this is perfect."
(Retaining attorney, upon receiving my written opinion.)
"Thank you
sooo much for all your help on this file. I
really think your opinion/report got this case settled..!! Your services
were excellent." (By retaining
insurance defense attorney.)
"Your report
helped me open a closed door at the DBPR so
I am happy with it." (By retaining Plaintiff.)
"She gave us everything we wanted."
(By retaining attorney after using my
questions to depose opposing expert witness.)
"I bet your
questions (for the opposing expert) saved our collective arses." (By
retaining Plaintiff)
"We settled
the _ _ _ _ case last Friday at
mediation, no doubt in part due to your
excellent report."
(By retaining
defense attorney.)
"(The) judge
refused to pass summary judgement for
selling agent. I strongly believe
your opinion and expertise played key
role." (By retaining

poised to get an award from the Broward
County Commission. Left, former Vice-Mayor and old friend Lori Parrish.
